At Mayes Memorials, we understand that every life is unique, and we believe that every memorial should be, as well. That's why we offer a wide range of custom memorials that can be personalized to reflect the unique personality and life of your loved one. Consider enhancing your memorial with a custom, hand-etched design or personalized photograph. We use the finest and most durable granite available and have a range of color choices to create that one-of-a-kind memorial.
Benefits of Choosing a Custom Memorial
How We Can Help You Create a Custom Memorial
From material selection to design and inscription, will help you create the perfect memorial for you or your loved one. We work closely with local cemeteries and know the guidelines to follow when it comes to memorial installations. Rely on our expertise to guide you through the design process and our knowledge to coordinate the installation of your custom memorial.
Contact us today to learn how we can help you tell your loved one's story.